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Flexible study plans and prices

Which plan is best for you?

Select a plan type

Sign up and select a plan type that fits you
per month / cancel anytime
1:1 Private Lessons
2 hours of lessons per month
18 hours book/cancel notice
1-2 personal teachers
General English
Business English
Exam Preparation
Self-study material
30 minute durations
Level Tests
Speaking Fluency Tests
Personal Study Advisor
per month / cancel anytime
1:1 Private Lessons
4 hours of lessons per month
12 hours book/cancel notice
3-4 personal teachers
General English
Business English
Exam Preparation
Self-study material
20/30/45 minute durations
Level Tests
Speaking Fluency Tests
Personal Study Advisor
premium +
per month / cancel anytime
1:1 Private Lessons
6 hours of lessons per month
3 hours book/cancel notice
6+ personal teachers
General English
Business English
Exam Preparation
Self-study material
20/30/45/60 minute durations
Level Tests
Speaking Fluency Tests
Personal Study Advisor
60 minutes
Sign Up
5 hours
(300 minutes)
Sign Up
10 hours
(600 minutes)
SAVE 10%
Sign Up
25 hours
(1500 minutes)
SAVE 15%
Sign Up

Need  a different plan?
Extra features
Access to all our fully qualified and experienced native English teachers
Choose your minutes each session
5 & 10-hour courses: valid for 3 months  // 25-hour course valid or 6 months
Add members of your family to the same account e.g. children, siblings, parents
Book, cancel or change lessons up to just 3 hours before
Lessons when you want - weekdays, evenings or weekends.
Easy to book lessons in automated booking calendar in your local time.
Have any number of lessons per day, week or month.
Placement test: Grammar, Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing
(Receive certificate confirming level)
Speaking fluency test
Personal study adviser
What YOu Get

Features Included in All Plans

General, Business, Exam Preparation or Travel English
Suitable for all levels
Interactive teaching material
Easy to use classroom
Optional homework activities
Regular feedback and progress reports
Certificate of completion
Review all previous lessons
Optional lesson recording
Interactive self-study material
Friendly Support

Thousands of Happy Customers All Around the World

“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must consumers to take action.”
Tom Powell
“How you write your advertising copy will be based on where you will place your ad. You’ll need a super catchy headline.”
Maria Parker
“Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough. You have to keep that attention. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.”
Heather Miller
“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must consumers to take action.”
Theresa Mason
“How you write your advertising copy will be based on where you will place your ad. You’ll need a super catchy headline.”
Andrew Collins
“Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough. You have to keep that attention. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.”
Logan Rogers
Companies whose employees we have trained over recent years